El champú fresco ultracalmante que calma inmediatamente el cuero cabelludo sensible y reduce la picazón para brindar comodidad durante 48 horas*. * Ensayo clínico, 37 sujetos, 3 semanas. Modo de empleo: Aplicar el champú sobre el cuero cabelludo, sobre el cabello mojado. Masajear suavemente, dejar actuar 1min y aclarar con agua.
Apply the shampoo on the scalp, on wet hair. Massage gently, leave to act for 1min, and rinse with water.
Arrived very quickly and it's already showing effects! I'm so happy I get to experience the perks of a strong retinoid :) this is better than anything else you could buy right now. I'll definitely become a regular customer here.