Strath Multivitamin is an effective food supplement in cases of physical, intellectual and convalescent wear, improves performance in cases of school fatigue, weakness and lack of concentration. Normalizes and strengthens the immune system. Strath Multivitamin is recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women, school children and teenagers, sportsmen, convalescent patients and the elderly, and in all cases of intellectual or physical exertion. It is a product of vegetable origin, 100% natural, without any additives of chemical substances. The main factor that distinguishes Strath Multivitamin from other supplements is the fact that all substances are in a natural balance, acting in harmony, in the exact amounts that the body needs, with no risk of overdose. Strath Multivitamin activates all vital functions, reinforces cellular immunity, is ideal for increased demands (sports), improves school performance (fatigue, lack of concentration), accelerates recovery and improves fatigue symptoms (convalescence) and provides mothers with and to the fetus the necessary nutrients. It is based on yeast. A gentle and particular procedure is used to plasmolyze (liquefy) the yeast cells, making it possible to access all the vital constituents without destroying them. During its growth, yeast produces 61 different vital substances: 20 amino acids, 11 vitamins, 19 minerals/trace elements and 11 reconstituting substances, in biologically balanced proportions necessary for the body's vital functions. In addition, the yeast is "fed" with various plants, so that its active principles are found in the final product. It does not contain coloring or preservatives, however, it remains unchanged for 5 years.