The OTOSAN cone is derived from an ancient folk tradition. The OTOSAN cone improves the ear's natural defenses and prevents the build-up of wax in the ear, which often leads to problems such as tinnitus, whistling or altered sounds, pressure in the ear and hearing loss. The warm air produced by the cone gently fills the ear canal, softening the wax and, thanks to hot propolis vapors, gives effective protection to the ear. This heat also regenerates the ear's blood flow, resulting in a feeling of well-being and gentle relaxation. The rising hot air creates a slight vacuum at the base of the cone. This helps to remove waste, deposits and water from the ear canal, and restores the correct eardrum tension following sudden changes in atmospheric pressure.Possibility of therapies: - Excess serumen – eliminating excess wax through the effect of suction and heat; - Ear irritation – calming effect; - Nausea – reduces the pressure of fluids responsible for balance; - Ear pain due to otitis – favors the drainage of secretions; - Ear pressure (migraine) - helps balance the fluids that cause the pain; - Chronic sinusitis - relieves the sinuses that connect with the eustachian tube