Cerebrum Gold 50+ is a food supplement that has synergy of action of the components that improves brain functions, promotes a strong antioxidant action and combats memory loss resulting from aging. If you are 50 or older, Cerebrum Gold 50+ helps to improve your quality of life.Phosphatidylserine is the researchers' big bet to prevent cognitive disorders that appear with age. Improves communication between brain cells;Reduces the risk of dementia in the elderly;It reduces the risk of cognitive dysfunction in the elderly.Resveravine (ext. Of Resveratrol) | acts as a potent antioxidant that protects the brain from attack by free radicals. It is the most effective protector against cardiovascular and brain problems.Coenzyme Q10: In addition to its protective functions for cells, Coenzyme Q10 helps maintain brain activity. It is also used to improve cardiac functioning by preventing cardiovascular problems.Vitamin B12 (100% D. D. R.): Protects and regenerates the nervous system, helps prevent memory loss that results from aging. Supplementation with Cerebrum Gold 50+ ampoules, taken once a day, after four weeks, significantly decreased the Memory Complaints Scale values in a group of Portuguese adults and elderly women